Dairy Goats
Thank you for visiting Rae-Kin-Pey Dairy Goats! Our farm is located in Miami, Oklahoma. We are also home to AFA Family Farms where we grow grain crops and beef cattle. We began raising and showing dairy goats in 2010 as a 4-H project and quickly learned to appreciate the joys and challenges of caring for these amazing animals. Today we maintain a collection of quality ADGA registered milking goats including the breeds of Alpine, Lamancha and Nigerian Dwarf. We also raised Toggenburgs for many years but recently sold our Toggenburg herd to a farm in Texas. Our goal is to raise dairy goats that are excellent representatives of their breed, being productive in the milk parlor and performing at the highest levels in the show ring. Our foundation animals were selected from lines which represent some of the top breeding programs in the nation and we certainly appreciate those breeders for their efforts. We enjoy participating in the ADGA Linear Appraisal Program and ADGA sanctioned shows which continue to be wonderful tools to showcase our animals and learn more about how to improve our herd. We routinely test for common diseases to ensure the health of our herd. We believe it is our first responsibility to create a happy and healthy environment for the animals in our care. Please use the above links to learn more about our goats and our plans for the future and be sure to connect with us on Facebook too.